Leadership lessons of Lord Rama for corporate world

As seven-year-old, When I first recited Ramayana, I was blown away with the charm of Lord Ram leadership style. Lord Ram is always discussed in religious relevance but it’s the leader in Lord Ram from whom we must learn the leadership lessons. His leadership lessons are relevant beyond timelines. For every leader, it’s important to…

Biggest Corporate myths busted in Covid pandemic..

Oh dear, this covid pandemic has changed the world in a big way. This once in a lifetime crisis has impacted everyone’s life & going to have a big influence on the thinking process of the human beings. Do you know, there were many myths which are assumed to be real but busted in the…

Knowing your Shadows..

Ram had been asked to create a special 10 member sales team from existing employees to push the sales of their newly launched beauty products. While he had already narrowed down on the team members, he was struggling to choose the right leader for the team. Ram had to be careful in finding the right…

The IP theory of focus Management

As a child, my soccer coach constantly advised me, “Boy, if you want to succeed you have to keep your focus”. Years may have passed but I often tried to dissect his statement by asking myself – How does one keep focus? The answer I realised was that there are not one but two qualities…