7 easy tips to improve personal brand….

In modern day corporate world, positive PR is as important as your KRA. Positive PR makes you visible, recognizable & promotable in the organization. The onus is not on the organization but it’s on the individual to create a strong personal brand for himself which will ensure his individual growth in corporate world. We can…

How to build cross functional high-performance team

The corporate world is a fast-moving place & only organization where everyone works together for the common goal is going to be the likely winner. It is because 60% to 70% of the business are lost because of individual differences of employees & departments or because they work in silos. For this reason, leaders across…

Biggest Corporate myths busted in Covid pandemic..

Oh dear, this covid pandemic has changed the world in a big way. This once in a lifetime crisis has impacted everyone’s life & going to have a big influence on the thinking process of the human beings. Do you know, there were many myths which are assumed to be real but busted in the…

The rise & rise of Yogi Adityanath

Yogi Adityanath influence has grown at an astounding pace among voters across India and Indian politics. In last four years, Yogi successfully transformed his image from a hard-liner Hindu leader to a development oriented Hindu leader. Do you know, Yogi was always a pro-development leader, but his perception created by media was of a Hindu…

These three skills will drive you in Leadership Roles

It was a freezing evening in Noida, but Ram was sweating with the pain of not getting promoted for the role he assumed that belongs to him. His colleague Shyam has been promoted to leadership group of the company. Despite being junior to him at Amigotua Group of companies by few years, Shyam succeeded to…

How to do financial planning for a steady happy life…

In last couple of decades, private sector has emerged as key source of employment in India. A new financial sector has emerged to cater the needs of these private sector employees. One of the very important need of these employees is financial planning for retirement. Our parents worked in government companies where they have pension…

Why & how you drive your employees shout for you

When I met Ram few days ago, was surprised know that despite being offered a decent salary package & profile of his choice, he politely refused the job offer. When questioned, he replied that he has read negative comments about the company on social media. I never heard such a big impact in decision making…

Bringing the Work life balance to Work from home

In my previous blog ( https://pritramans.wordpress.com/2020/10/15/de-stress-to-avoid-wfh-distress/ ), I shared the results of my survey of WFH (Work from Home) and its impact on the employees both professionally and personally (Mental wellbeing). In fact, going by the results, it’s evident that WFH is adding to the stress of the employees. I also stated that this new…

Key Takeaways & Learnings of 2020 Bihar Election

2020 Bihar election is one of the closely fought battle between the political parties. Kudos to Election commission for holding flawless elections in this Covid-19 pandemic. As I told in my earlier article  ( https://pritramans.wordpress.com/2020/10/05/bihar-elections-the-second-way-to-come-first/ ) a month ago that this election is not for CM chair as Nitish Kumar in all certainty will return…